I Feel Like Ill Never Meet a Guy Like Him Again

Why Do And so Many People Answer Negatively to Being Loved?

Beloved — kindness, amore, sensitive attunement, respect, companionship — is not just hard to find, but is even more than challenging for many people to take and tolerate.  In my piece of work with individuals and couples, I have observed countless examples of people reacting angrily when loving responses were directed toward them.

  • Ane man felt a flash of anger at his wife when she said she was worried well-nigh him riding his bike in an dangerous neighborhood. Fifty-fifty though he knew she was not being controlling or judgmental, and despite being aware that her apprehension was based on the fact that she really loved and valued him, he felt rage.
  • A woman became outright nasty when her boyfriend told her that he loved her and then much he wished that they could have children together. She had never expressed hostility toward him before and the man involved was non pressuring her or even suggesting a course of activeness. He said it was just a sweet feeling.
  • In a therapy session, a usually calm and quiet man revealed that he felt fury when people praised him.

Unlike these individuals, many people are unaware that existence loved or peculiarly valued makes them feel aroused and withholding. Indeed, this paradoxical reaction is largely an unconscious procedure. Even a simple compliment, although initially accepted at confront value and enjoyed, can afterward arouse feelings of disbelief or anger toward the person giving the compliment, or can trigger negative attitudes and critical feelings towards oneself.

Simply why do love, positive acknowledgment and compliments arouse such animosity?  There are a number of main causes of this miracle discussed in this blog.

i. Existence loved arouses feet considering it threatens long-standing psychological defenses formed early in life in relation to emotional pain and rejection, therefore leaving a person feeling more vulnerable.

Although the feel of being called and especially valued is exciting and can bring happiness and fulfillment, at the same time, information technology can be frightening and the fearfulness often translates into anger and hostility. Basically, love is scary when it contrasts with babyhood trauma. In that situation, the honey feels compelled to act in ways that hurt the lover: behaving in a punitive mode, distancing themselves and pushing love abroad.  In essence, people maintain the defensive posture that they formed early in life. Because the negative reaction to positive events occurs without conscious awareness, individuals respond without understanding what acquired them to react. They rationalize the situation by finding mistake with or blaming others, particularly those closest to them.

2. Being loved arouses sadness and painful feelings from the past.

Existence treated with love and tenderness arouses a kind of poignant sadness that many people struggle to block out. Ironically, shut moments with a partner can activate memories of painful childhood experiences, fears of abandonment and feelings of loneliness from the by. People are afraid of being hurt in the same ways they were hurt equally children.

three. Being loved provokes a painful identity crisis

When people have been injure, they experience that if they accepted dearest into their life, the whole globe as they have experienced information technology would be shattered and they would non know who they were. Beingness valued or seen in a positive light is confusing considering information technology conflicts with the negative self-concept that many people form inside their family.

In the developmental process, children idealize their parents at their own expense as part of a psychological survival mechanism. This idealization process is inextricably tied to maintaining an image of oneself as bad or deficient. However painful it may be, people are somehow willing to accept failure or rejection because these are harmonious with the incorporated negative view of themselves, whereas the intrusion of existence loved or having positive responses directed toward them is confusing of their psychological equilibrium.

4.  Accepting beingness loved in reality disconnects people from a fantasy bond with their parents.

Early in life, children develop fantasies of being fused with a parent or chief caregiver to compensate for what is emotionally missing in their environment. The imagined connection offers a sense of safety, partially gratifies the child'due south needs and relieves painful feelings of emotional deprivation and rejection. This fantasy persists into adult life, although it may be largely unconscious. As a result, the hurt individual maintains a sense of pseudo-independence, an mental attitude that they tin take intendance of themselves without a need for others. As a result of merging with their parents in their imagination, people continue to both nurture and punish themselves in the aforementioned way they were treated past their parents. In addition, as beloved relationships become more meaningful, deep and threatening, people tend to revert to utilizing the same defense mechanisms that their parents used to avoid pain. Reacting in a mode like to their parents offers a sense of safety, regardless of any negative consequences. Once the fantasy bond takes hold, people are extremely reluctant to take a take a chance again on real love and gratification from a romantic partner.

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5. Positive acknowledgment arouses guilt in relation to surpassing the parent of the same sex.

Achieving success in one's beloved life or career can make a person aware of their parents' weaknesses, limitations and failures to find gratification in their lives, in particular the parent of the same sex. Beingness chosen or preferred by a loved 1 in a relationship, or beingness acknowledged for a success for which others are striving in the workplace, tends to precipitate guilt reactions and self-recriminations. When the guilt of surpassing i'south parent or acquaintance is operant, people fear retaliation and tend to limit or go against their own development.

Furthermore, people oft feel angry at being acknowledged and because the feeling appears to be irrational, it is suppressed. They distort the very people who fabricated them feel loved, or who supported or acknowledged their success or achievement, and deed out passive assailment towards them. Many mistakenly perceive positive acclamation as an expectation or a need to continue the behavior that earned them the appreciation and praise.  All of these painful emotions are relieved to some extent equally people withhold their positive or lovable qualities, arrange their performance downwardly and unconsciously try to diminish or sabotage their success. It is extremely hard to get out of that kind of withholding pattern.

six. Accepting being loved stirs upwards painful existential issues.

In a previous work, Fright of Intimacy, I wrote, "Beingness close to another in a loving relationship makes one aware that life is precious, but must eventually be surrendered. If we embrace life and honey, nosotros must also face death'southward inevitability." In particular, the experience of being loved makes 1 place more value on one's life, and the anticipation of its ending becomes tortuous. For this reason, people attempt to modify those loving exchanges rather than become through the painful feelings. Often shut moments in a human relationship are followed past attempts on the function of one or both partners to take the border off the experience or to withdraw to a "safer" distance.  Many people have spoken of heightened feelings of death anxiety after feeling especially close emotionally and sexually, and of later reacting with anger and withholding behaviors that atomic number 82 to deterioration in the relationship.

For the well-nigh part, people create the emotional earth in which they live. In authenticity, they attempt to recreate the world they lived in as children to maintain psychological equilibrium. Positive events and circumstances, particularly the experience of being loved, seriously interrupt this process. In order to maintain a simulated sense of safety and security, people utilize the defence force mechanisms of selection, distortion and provocation in their relationships. They tend to select partners who are similar people in their early lives considering they are more comfortable with people who fit their defenses. Secondly, they misconstrue their partners and see them as more than similar the people in their past than they really are. Thirdly, they endeavour to provoke responses in their partners that duplicate interactions from their past.  The terminate result is antithetical to maintaining happy and satisfying relationships.

Lastly, most people are not aware of their negative reactions to being loved or the dynamics described above, nor do they recognize their own withholding behavior and its effect on themselves and their loved ones. The hope is that becoming aware of these core defenses and challenging them can help people to be liberated from these detrimental furnishings.

Author'southward Note

I accept not done full justice to the discipline matter in this weblog.  It is highly condensed and therefore lacks supportive information and more than elaborate case histories. These matters will be addressed in a book on the subject in the near future.

About the Author

Robert Firestone, Ph.D

Robert Firestone, Ph.D Robert W. Firestone, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist, author, theorist and artist. He is the Consulting Theorist for The Glendon Association. He is writer of numerous books including Vox Therapy, Challenging the Fantasy Bond, Compassionate Kid-Rearing, Fearfulness of Intimacy, Conquer Your Critical Inner Voice, Beyond Expiry FeetThe Ideals of Interpersonal Relationships, Self Under Siege, and recently his collection of stories Overcoming the Destructive Inner Voice. His studies on negative thought processes and their associated affect take led to the evolution of Voice Therapy, an advanced therapeutic methodology to uncover and contend with aspects of self-destructive and self-limiting behaviors. Firestone has applied his concepts to empirical inquiry and to developing the Firestone Assessment of Cocky-subversive Thoughts (FAST), a scale that assesses suicide potential. This work led to the publication of Suicide and the Inner Phonation: Adventure Cess, Handling and Case Direction. He has published more than xxx professional articles and capacity for edited volumes, and produced 35 video documentaries. His art can be viewed on world wide web.theartofrwfirestone.com. You lot can larn more about Dr. Firestone by visiting world wide web.drrobertwfirestone.com.

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Tags: acrimony, feet and intimacy, anxiety and relationships, fantasy bond, fantasy love, fear of intimacy, intimacy issues, acquire to dearest, love, real love, relationship advice, human relationship attachment, relationship issues, relationship problems


Source: https://www.psychalive.org/why-people-respond-negatively-to-being-loved/

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